Volunteer/Information Desk Check-In/Out Forms
Volunteer/Information Desk Check in/out forms courtesy of Montalvo Arts Center, Saratoga, California
Reception Desk Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 am-4 pm
Welcome and thank you for volunteering your time to host the office reception desk. While “on duty” please welcome visitors in and assist them with their questions. Be sure to arrive about 5 minutes early to allow enough time to get the station up and running. Your participation and cooperation are essential to the success of the reception desk—thank you!
Opening the Reception Desk:
- Turn on the reception desk lights as needed.
- Take the visitor phone and sign off the counter.
- If the desk phone is flashing red (top right), please notify Babette, x5828.
Both Shifts:
- Review the daily calendar of events.
- Tidy and stock credenza information, if needed.
- Record the number of visitors and your service time in the info binder.
- If there are admin projects, staff will leave a note or come and give you instructions. Be sure to log any projects you work on while at the desk.
- If you run out of supplies (flyers, maps, etc), please PHONE volunteer resources and indicate which supplies need refilling.
Closing the Reception Desk:
- Tidy copy area.
- Replace the visitor phone and sign on the counter.
- Wipe down reception desk and phone receiver.
- Turn off reception desk lights, if used.